It has been announced that Ryoko Yamagishi’s popular manga “Tenshi of the Sunrise” will be adapted into a Noh Kyogen play directed by and starring Mansai Nomura, and will be performed this summer. The project will be supervised by Living National Treasure Bunzo Otsuki.


Directed and performed by Mansai Nomura! Manga “Tenshi of the Sunrise” to be adapted into Noh Kyogen and performed this summer – Entertainment – Crank In!

Directed and performed by Mansai Nomura! Manga “Tenshi of the Sunrise” to be adapted into Noh Kyogen and performed this summer – Entertainment – Crank In!
It has been announced that Ryoko Yamagishi’s popular manga “Tenshi of the Sunrise” will be adapted into a Noh Kyogen play directed by and starring Mansai Nomura, and will be performed this summer. The project will be supervised by Living National Treasure Bunzo Otsuki.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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