Iida, a quiet classmate, becomes friends with Kanie, a third year student who is close to him. It’s a staple of girls’ manga to have an uninteresting protagonist who somehow ends up being liked by multiple good-looking guys. But…


Yamato is Mahoroba of Love” (Bungei Shunju) Written by Mio Hamatani A youth drama of love and ancient tombs – Shizuoka Shimbun

Yamato is Mahoroba of Love” (Bungei Shunju) Written by Mio Hamatani A youth drama of love and ancient tombs – Shizuoka Shimbun
Iida, a quiet classmate, becomes friends with Kanie, a third year student who is close to him. It’s a staple of girls’ manga to have an uninteresting protagonist who somehow ends up being liked by multiple good-looking guys. But…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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