The Shizuoka Prefecture High School Newcomer Soccer Tournament was held on January 18th, with eight third-round matches to determine the final eight. In the Western battle between Iwata Higashi and Hamamatsu Kaiseikan, Iwata Higashi won 2-1, and Hiryu vs. Nihon University Mishima…


[Breaking News] Results of the 3rd round of the Shizuoka Prefecture High School Newcomer Soccer Tournament. The top 8 including Hiryu, Shizuoka Gakuen, and Iwata Higashi have been decided!

[Breaking News] Results of the 3rd round of the Shizuoka Prefecture High School Newcomer Soccer Tournament. The top 8 including Hiryu, Shizuoka Gakuen, and Iwata Higashi have been decided!
The Shizuoka Prefecture High School Newcomer Soccer Tournament was held on January 18th, with eight third-round matches to determine the final eight. In the Western battle between Iwata Higashi and Hamamatsu Kaiseikan, Iwata Higashi won 2-1, and Hiryu vs. Nihon University Mishima…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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