Ryutaro Nakamura, a journalist who has scooped up stories such as “Shabu & Asuka” and “the huge embezzlement case by NHK producers” as a reporter for “Weekly Bunshun”, has been following…


“When your intuition works, it leads to a ‘scoop’” A former ace reporter of Weekly Bunshun reveals behind the scenes of reporting [Part 1]

“When your intuition works, it leads to a ‘scoop’” A former ace reporter of Weekly Bunshun reveals behind the scenes of reporting [Part 1]
Ryutaro Nakamura, a journalist who has scooped up stories such as “Shabu & Asuka” and “the huge embezzlement case by NHK producers” as a reporter for “Weekly Bunshun”, has been following…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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