In October 2024, in Ebetsu City, Hokkaido, Tomoya Hase (20) died after being gangly assaulted by six men and women, and the Sapporo District Public Prosecutors Office has accused four men, including an 18-year-old man, of robbery resulting in death.


[Breaking News] Real names of two 18-year-old men and others suspected of being the main perpetrators of university student assault death Sapporo District Public Prosecutors Office indicts four people, including a juvenile

[Breaking News] Real names of two 18-year-old men and others suspected of being the main perpetrators of university student assault death Sapporo District Public Prosecutors Office indicts four people, including a juvenile
In October 2024, in Ebetsu City, Hokkaido, Tomoya Hase (20) died after being gangly assaulted by six men and women, and the Sapporo District Public Prosecutors Office has accused four men, including an 18-year-old man, of robbery resulting in death.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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