Entertainment A special program on Nippon Television’s “Gurunai 2 Hours Special” (7:0 after Thursday) will be broadcast on the 16th, and a former Nogizaka46 actress will be the new member of the popular project “Gourmet Chicken Race Gochi Naru!”… Entertainment
Affections In his personal life, Suda announced his marriage to actress Nana Komatsu in November last year. It also became a hot topic that they developed into a relationship after a long period of 4 years of unrequited love. The sports newspaper’s entertainment reporter… Affections
Drama The new Gochi series will start on Nippon Television’s variety show “Gurunai Gochi 26 New Member Announcement Special” (7:00 p.m.), which will be broadcast on the 16th. The identities of two new members of interest have been revealed… Drama