Anime The sequel to the TV anime “Kinnikuman” Perfect Choujin Founder Season 2, which is currently being distributed on Netflix, will be aired on CBC/TBS’s “Agal Anime” from January 12th. Anime
Entertainment TBS Masatoshi Nanba announcer was so excited about Kohaku no B'z that he couldn’t practice live and said, “It’s just one person doing karaoke…” PR (). Local media give high praise to Wataru Endo’s appointment as CB, and fans are looking forward to it… Entertainment
Sports Related articles. ⚽The star player of Japan’s national soccer team explains why he wanted to become a baseball player! “When I was a kid…” Which player from Liverpool and Japan national team has the highest soccer IQ? Sports
Deals Rakuten Market “Cassette Stove” Best Selling Ranking! Iwatani “Cassette Fu Eco Premium CB-EPR-1”. Deals
Crypto In an interview with Peter McCormack published on January 10, 2025, former British Prime Minister Liz Truss endorsed Bitcoin (BTC) and said central banks… Crypto
Investment Although there are no plans to issue CBDC in Japan, the Financial Services Agency is calling for caution as troubles such as being approached for investment are occurring. Table of Contents. Central Bank… Investment
Sports He has played in 192 games as a defensive midfielder, and has played more games as a central defender than in his entire career. Endo played for Shonan Bellmare and Urawa Reds during his time in the J League… Sports