Hajime Shacho [Photo: ENCOUNT Editorial Department]. Hajime Shacho will take on the challenge of “no convenience stores” in 2025. “If you see something, report it immediately.” (ENCOUNT) January 3, 19:50.


Police officer’s first YouTuber, after 2 years, feels closer to the hard work (Kyodo News) – goo News

Police officer’s first YouTuber, after 2 years, feels closer to the hard work (Kyodo News) – goo News
Hajime Shacho [Photo: ENCOUNT Editorial Department]. Hajime Shacho will take on the challenge of “no convenience stores” in 2025. “If you see something, report it immediately.” (ENCOUNT) January 3, 19:50.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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