On January 23rd, Mito Tsukino, a VTuber belonging to Nijisanji, released a video featuring the “appendix” of a children’s magazine. Shogakukan’s children’s magazine “Kindergarten” and elementary school children’s magazine…


Nijisanji Tsukinomito is surprised by the “supplements of children’s magazines” in the Reiwa era The current state of the evolved “supplements”

Nijisanji Tsukinomito is surprised by the “supplements of children’s magazines” in the Reiwa era The current state of the evolved “supplements”
On January 23rd, Mito Tsukino, a VTuber belonging to Nijisanji, released a video featuring the “appendix” of a children’s magazine. Shogakukan’s children’s magazine “Kindergarten” and elementary school children’s magazine…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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