Nippon Broadcasting Corporation’s president, Maki Hinohara, said at a regular press conference on January 8th, regarding “Masahiro Nakai ON&ON AIR”, “The situation that is being reported…


Masahiro Nakai’s radio broadcast has been canceled… 33 days after the first report, the “national star” has become “just like Fuwa-chan”…

Masahiro Nakai’s radio broadcast has been canceled… 33 days after the first report, the “national star” has become “just like Fuwa-chan”…
Nippon Broadcasting Corporation’s president, Maki Hinohara, said at a regular press conference on January 8th, regarding “Masahiro Nakai ON&ON AIR”, “The situation that is being reported…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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