Hiroyuki Ariyoshi Fuwa-chan’s “furious reporting” teases Takeyama, who he believed to be cheating, “You really don’t have enough wisdom.” Tokyo Sports Web · Hiroyuki Ariyoshi won the buzzword award with “Why don’t you stop it?” and “Not at all…”


Hiroyuki Ariyoshi, the host of NHK Kouhaku for the second time…was refused entry and panicked: “I thought I could get in with a facial pass.”

Hiroyuki Ariyoshi, the host of NHK Kouhaku for the second time…was refused entry and panicked: “I thought I could get in with a facial pass.”
Hiroyuki Ariyoshi Fuwa-chan’s “furious reporting” teases Takeyama, who he believed to be cheating, “You really don’t have enough wisdom.” Tokyo Sports Web · Hiroyuki Ariyoshi won the buzzword award with “Why don’t you stop it?” and “Not at all…”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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