Hitoshi Matsumoto, Fuwa-chan, Masahiro Nakai… A “strange coincidence” of “friendship with Rino Sashihara” common among celebrities who disappear from the public stage one after another. Story by SmartFLASH. • 14…


Fuwa-chan, Masahiro Nakai… “friendship with Rino Sashihara” is common among celebrities who disappear from the public stage one after another…

Fuwa-chan, Masahiro Nakai… “friendship with Rino Sashihara” is common among celebrities who disappear from the public stage one after another…
Hitoshi Matsumoto, Fuwa-chan, Masahiro Nakai… A “strange coincidence” of “friendship with Rino Sashihara” common among celebrities who disappear from the public stage one after another. Story by SmartFLASH. • 14…

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