Capital investment by the world’s 10 major semiconductor companies in fiscal 2024 will be 2% lower than the previous year to $123.3 billion (approximately 19.4 trillion yen), a downward revision of the initial plan by approximately 1.5 trillion yen. A complete change from the planned increase in 2…


Global semiconductor investment declines by 1.5 trillion yen, stalling for electric vehicles (EV) and smartphones – Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Global semiconductor investment declines by 1.5 trillion yen, stalling for electric vehicles (EV) and smartphones – Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Capital investment by the world’s 10 major semiconductor companies in fiscal 2024 will be 2% lower than the previous year to $123.3 billion (approximately 19.4 trillion yen), a downward revision of the initial plan by approximately 1.5 trillion yen. A complete change from the planned increase in 2…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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