On the 24th, a 65-year-old part-time worker in Yabu City, Hyogo Prefecture, reported to the prefectural police Minami-Tajima Police Station that he had been approached about investing and was defrauded of 235,000 yen. The police department is investigating this as a case of fraud…


A 65-year-old man was defrauded of 235,000 yen by a woman he met on SNS about investing – Adoptive father – Kobe Shimbun NEXT

A 65-year-old man was defrauded of 235,000 yen by a woman he met on SNS about investing – Adoptive father – Kobe Shimbun NEXT
On the 24th, a 65-year-old part-time worker in Yabu City, Hyogo Prefecture, reported to the prefectural police Minami-Tajima Police Station that he had been approached about investing and was defrauded of 235,000 yen. The police department is investigating this as a case of fraud…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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