Actress Honami Suzuki (58), who is appearing in the TV Asahi drama series “Private Banker” (9:00 on Thursday), which started on the 9th, gave an interview to Sponichi Annex…


Honami Suzuki reveals that she has started a new NISA, “What is withholding tax?” Studying with her daughter, feeling like there is a discrepancy in salary…

Honami Suzuki reveals that she has started a new NISA, “What is withholding tax?” Studying with her daughter, feeling like there is a discrepancy in salary…
Actress Honami Suzuki (58), who is appearing in the TV Asahi drama series “Private Banker” (9:00 on Thursday), which started on the 9th, gave an interview to Sponichi Annex…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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