A 54-year-old man living in Inazawa City, Aichi Prefecture, was accused of trying to defraud a man in his 80s out of 1 million yen in cash by offering false investment stories such as “Afghanistan’s currency will rise in the future”…


[False investment story] 1 million false investment stories such as “Afghanistan’s currency will rise in the future” … – YouTube

[False investment story] 1 million false investment stories such as “Afghanistan’s currency will rise in the future” … – YouTube
A 54-year-old man living in Inazawa City, Aichi Prefecture, was accused of trying to defraud a man in his 80s out of 1 million yen in cash by offering false investment stories such as “Afghanistan’s currency will rise in the future”…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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