A 53-year-old man living in Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture was defrauded of approximately 10 million yen through SNS in the name of investment. Police are investigating a case of fraud. According to the police, last November…


A man in his 50s was offered an investment by a “woman living in a foreign country” whom he met on SNS… A total of 10 million yen fraud…

A man in his 50s was offered an investment by a “woman living in a foreign country” whom he met on SNS… A total of 10 million yen fraud…
A 53-year-old man living in Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture was defrauded of approximately 10 million yen through SNS in the name of investment. Police are investigating a case of fraud. According to the police, last November…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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