The Shiga Prefectural Police Moriyama Police Station announced on the 25th that a 53-year-old office worker from Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture, was defrauded of approximately 10 million yen in the name of investment through an social networking site (SNS). It’s being investigated as a fraud…


A 53-year-old man was defrauded of 10 million yen after being approached by a “foreign woman” who met him on SNS (Kyoto Shimbun)

A 53-year-old man was defrauded of 10 million yen after being approached by a “foreign woman” who met him on SNS (Kyoto Shimbun)
The Shiga Prefectural Police Moriyama Police Station announced on the 25th that a 53-year-old office worker from Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture, was defrauded of approximately 10 million yen in the name of investment through an social networking site (SNS). It’s being investigated as a fraud…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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