Nagisa Watanabe (27), a former Fuji TV announcer and currently a freelancer, updated her Instagram on the 17th with the cover of her first photo essay, “Satisfying Transparency” (released on the 29th, published by Kodansha)…


Fuji TV’s former female announcer Nagisa Watanabe, who is in the midst of a crisis, explains why she took on challenges while facing PTSD – Excite

Fuji TV’s former female announcer Nagisa Watanabe, who is in the midst of a crisis, explains why she took on challenges while facing PTSD – Excite
Nagisa Watanabe (27), a former Fuji TV announcer and currently a freelancer, updated her Instagram on the 17th with the cover of her first photo essay, “Satisfying Transparency” (released on the 29th, published by Kodansha)…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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