A man in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture, who found a post claiming to be a famous investor on social media, was defrauded of approximately 7.8 million yen by pretending to be investing in crypto assets. Police received the complaint on the 16th and posted on SNS…


A man in his 30s from Matsuyama lost approximately 7.8 million yen in a “crypto asset” investment scam in which he claimed to be a famous investor on SNS [Ehime]

A man in his 30s from Matsuyama lost approximately 7.8 million yen in a “crypto asset” investment scam in which he claimed to be a famous investor on SNS [Ehime]
A man in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture, who found a post claiming to be a famous investor on social media, was defrauded of approximately 7.8 million yen by pretending to be investing in crypto assets. Police received the complaint on the 16th and posted on SNS…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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