Iwate Gruja Morioka of the Japan Football League (JFL) held its first practice at Kitagin Ball Park in Morioka City on the 14th, kickstarting its return to the J League in a year.


Iwate Gruja Morioka practices for the first time as he prepares to return to the J League in a year | Iwate Nippo IWATE NIPPO

Iwate Gruja Morioka practices for the first time as he prepares to return to the J League in a year | Iwate Nippo IWATE NIPPO
Iwate Gruja Morioka of the Japan Football League (JFL) held its first practice at Kitagin Ball Park in Morioka City on the 14th, kickstarting its return to the J League in a year.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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