Former Japan national soccer team forward Yoshito Okubo (42) said on TV Tokyo’s “Ijuin Hikaru & Sakuma Nobuyuki’s Self-Selected TV Tokyo Criticism” (Saturday 11:03 a.m.), which aired on the 25th, that he thought he was amazing during his time as a player. …


Yoshito Okubo: “Are you from Japan?” The player that I felt was the most amazing was definitely… “People like this are in the world” – Entertainment

Yoshito Okubo: “Are you from Japan?” The player that I felt was the most amazing was definitely… “People like this are in the world” – Entertainment
Former Japan national soccer team forward Yoshito Okubo (42) said on TV Tokyo’s “Ijuin Hikaru & Sakuma Nobuyuki’s Self-Selected TV Tokyo Criticism” (Saturday 11:03 a.m.), which aired on the 25th, that he thought he was amazing during his time as a player. …

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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