Ippei Mizuhara, a former interpreter for Dodgers player Shohei Otani and accused of bank fraud, impersonated Otani and recorded two audio recordings of a phone conversation with a bank employee.


Defendant Ippei Mizuhara creates an uproar online after releasing audio impersonating Shohei Otani, saying, “My English is broken,” “That’s it…”

Defendant Ippei Mizuhara creates an uproar online after releasing audio impersonating Shohei Otani, saying, “My English is broken,” “That’s it…”
Ippei Mizuhara, a former interpreter for Dodgers player Shohei Otani and accused of bank fraud, impersonated Otani and recorded two audio recordings of a phone conversation with a bank employee.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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