Ippei Mizuhara, a former interpreter, is facing charges including bank fraud for being involved in illegal sports gambling and defrauding player Shohei Otani of money from his account. This time, U.S. federal prosecutors…


“This is Shohei Otani.” Ippei Mizuhara’s impersonation audio obtained. Transferred approximately 31 million yen to a bank clerk in the guise of “Shohei Otani.”

“This is Shohei Otani.” Ippei Mizuhara’s impersonation audio obtained. Transferred approximately 31 million yen to a bank clerk in the guise of “Shohei Otani.”
Ippei Mizuhara, a former interpreter, is facing charges including bank fraud for being involved in illegal sports gambling and defrauding player Shohei Otani of money from his account. This time, U.S. federal prosecutors…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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