Yoichiro Kakitani (35), a former Japanese national team forward who retired after last season when he belonged to J2 Tokushima, held a press conference on the 23rd at Yodokou Sakura Stadium, the home base of his former club Osaka, and said, “I was a problem child when I was young.”


Soccer: Yoichiro Kakitani “I want to express my gratitude” Former Japan national team forward, retirement press conference

Soccer: Yoichiro Kakitani “I want to express my gratitude” Former Japan national team forward, retirement press conference
Yoichiro Kakitani (35), a former Japanese national team forward who retired after last season when he belonged to J2 Tokushima, held a press conference on the 23rd at Yodokou Sakura Stadium, the home base of his former club Osaka, and said, “I was a problem child when I was young.”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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