Former Japanese national soccer team forward Tomoyoshi Miura (57) made a guest appearance on Nippon Television’s “Shabekuri 007 2 Hours Special” (9 p.m.), which aired on the 20th. On this day, in the studio was “J League Bubble…”


Tomoyoshi Miura wears a Hermes scarf as captain’s mark in his first year in the J.League “I wanted to show a difference”

Tomoyoshi Miura wears a Hermes scarf as captain’s mark in his first year in the J.League “I wanted to show a difference”
Former Japanese national soccer team forward Tomoyoshi Miura (57) made a guest appearance on Nippon Television’s “Shabekuri 007 2 Hours Special” (9 p.m.), which aired on the 20th. On this day, in the studio was “J League Bubble…”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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