The movie “Baban Baban Bang Vampire” is a live-action film adaptation of the comic of the same name by Hiromasa Okushima, which has been serialized in “Bessatsu Shonen Champion” (Akita Shoten) since the November 2021 issue…


Release of the movie “Baban Baban Bang Vampire” starring Ryo Yoshizawa has been postponed – Yahoo! News

Release of the movie “Baban Baban Bang Vampire” starring Ryo Yoshizawa has been postponed – Yahoo! News
The movie “Baban Baban Bang Vampire” is a live-action film adaptation of the comic of the same name by Hiromasa Okushima, which has been serialized in “Bessatsu Shonen Champion” (Akita Shoten) since the November 2021 issue…

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