[Yomiuri Shimbun] The movie “Shimaneko,” which is set in Kitagijima (Kasaoka City), will be screened for the first time in Kasaoka City on February 2nd. A preview screening was held on the 13th at the venue, Ido Kaikan, inviting people involved in the movie…


Okayama: Enjoy the Kitagijima Stage Movie: Local News – Yomiuri Shimbun Online

Okayama: Enjoy the Kitagijima Stage Movie: Local News – Yomiuri Shimbun Online
[Yomiuri Shimbun] The movie “Shimaneko,” which is set in Kitagijima (Kasaoka City), will be screened for the first time in Kasaoka City on February 2nd. A preview screening was held on the 13th at the venue, Ido Kaikan, inviting people involved in the movie…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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