The Japanese dubbing cast for the movie “Wicked: The Two Witches” has been newly released. Naoto Kaiho, Memi Tamura, Miyu Irino, kemio, Yuriyan Retriever, Tomoko Shioda, Yoshitada Otsuka, Yamadera…


Nine new cast members announced for the Japanese dubbing of the movie “Wicked” Naoto Kaiho, Memi Tamura, Jiyu Irino and others will be joining – Natalie

Nine new cast members announced for the Japanese dubbing of the movie “Wicked” Naoto Kaiho, Memi Tamura, Jiyu Irino and others will be joining – Natalie
The Japanese dubbing cast for the movie “Wicked: The Two Witches” has been newly released. Naoto Kaiho, Memi Tamura, Miyu Irino, kemio, Yuriyan Retriever, Tomoko Shioda, Yoshitada Otsuka, Yamadera…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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