The opening day stage greeting for the movie “Under Ninja” was held in Tokyo on the 24th, with a star cast including lead actor Kento Yamazaki and director Yuichi Fukuda on stage. Yamazaki has already announced the original author Kengo Hanazawa…


The original author of the movie “Under Ninja” already wants a sequel, director Yuichi Fukuda “makes gags that will keep you laughing”

The original author of the movie “Under Ninja” already wants a sequel, director Yuichi Fukuda “makes gags that will keep you laughing”
The opening day stage greeting for the movie “Under Ninja” was held in Tokyo on the 24th, with a star cast including lead actor Kento Yamazaki and director Yuichi Fukuda on stage. Yamazaki has already announced the original author Kengo Hanazawa…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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