The movie “Sunset Sunrise”, which is set in a port town in Miyagi Prefecture, had its first day of release, and leading actor Masaki Suda and others stood on stage to greet the audience. Kankuro Kuto, who was in charge of the script, was a local…


Kankuro Kuto says Ken Miyake’s dialect is “super delicious” (The opening scene of the movie “Sunset Sunrise”…

Kankuro Kuto says Ken Miyake’s dialect is “super delicious” (The opening scene of the movie “Sunset Sunrise”…
The movie “Sunset Sunrise”, which is set in a port town in Miyagi Prefecture, had its first day of release, and leading actor Masaki Suda and others stood on stage to greet the audience. Kankuro Kuto, who was in charge of the script, was a local…

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