The story of the movie is the first to be made into a film based on the novel “Rantaro Rakudai Ninja Team: The Strongest Tactician” published in 2013, and many people have been waiting for it to be made into a theatrical animation.


“Nintama” movie box office revenue exceeds 1.5 billion yen The 6th special for visitors is a frame film style bookmark (all 5 types)! 8 original drawings released

“Nintama” movie box office revenue exceeds 1.5 billion yen The 6th special for visitors is a frame film style bookmark (all 5 types)! 8 original drawings released
The story of the movie is the first to be made into a film based on the novel “Rantaro Rakudai Ninja Team: The Strongest Tactician” published in 2013, and many people have been waiting for it to be made into a theatrical animation.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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