This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Graduate School of Film and New Media at Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan’s first national film education institution. Director Ryusuke Hamaguchi and others who studied here…


After 20 years of nurturing film talent, the sorrow of the “Graduate School of the Arts” – The first major at a national university, produced by director Hamaguchi and others – Asahi Shimbun Digital

After 20 years of nurturing film talent, the sorrow of the “Graduate School of the Arts” – The first major at a national university, produced by director Hamaguchi and others – Asahi Shimbun Digital
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Graduate School of Film and New Media at Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan’s first national film education institution. Director Ryusuke Hamaguchi and others who studied here…

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