The “1st Nagahama Film Festival” began on the 18th at the Hikiyama Museum in Motohama-cho, Nagahama City, and the movie “Nagahama,” made on the theme of the Nagahama Hikiyama Festival, was shown to the general public for the first time…


“Nagahama” cast looks back at filming Nagahama Film Festival opens, ends on the 19th – Chunichi Shimbun

“Nagahama” cast looks back at filming Nagahama Film Festival opens, ends on the 19th – Chunichi Shimbun
The “1st Nagahama Film Festival” began on the 18th at the Hikiyama Museum in Motohama-cho, Nagahama City, and the movie “Nagahama,” made on the theme of the Nagahama Hikiyama Festival, was shown to the general public for the first time…

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