A film adaptation of Shuhei Nare’s novel starring Masaki Suda. She plays Momoka Sekino, the landlord of Shinsaku, who moved from Tokyo to a town in Sanriku, Tohoku, and a town hall employee in charge of vacant house issues.


Interview with Mao Inoue from the movie “Sunset Sunrise” Trial migration changes daily life “Happiness at your feet…”

Interview with Mao Inoue from the movie “Sunset Sunrise” Trial migration changes daily life “Happiness at your feet…”
A film adaptation of Shuhei Nare’s novel starring Masaki Suda. She plays Momoka Sekino, the landlord of Shinsaku, who moved from Tokyo to a town in Sanriku, Tohoku, and a town hall employee in charge of vacant house issues.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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