Rena Tanaka, who is also an honorary ambassador of Kurume’s hometown, will star in “Koihozuki”, an original work by Reiko Morota, which features a female doctor from the Edo period.


Shooting a movie in the local area “Koihozuki” star Rena Tanaka and others pay a courtesy visit to the Mayor of Kurume – YouTube

Shooting a movie in the local area “Koihozuki” star Rena Tanaka and others pay a courtesy visit to the Mayor of Kurume – YouTube
Rena Tanaka, who is also an honorary ambassador of Kurume’s hometown, will star in “Koihozuki”, an original work by Reiko Morota, which features a female doctor from the Edo period.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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