Following the postponement of the release of the movie “Baban Baban Bang Vampire” (directed by Shinji Hamasaki) starring actor Ryo Yoshizawa (30), the manga artist Hiromasa Okushima, the original author of the movie, announced that he was 14…


The original author comments on the postponement of the release of the movie starring Ryo Yoshizawa, “I will wait with you all” – TV Asahi News

The original author comments on the postponement of the release of the movie starring Ryo Yoshizawa, “I will wait with you all” – TV Asahi News
Following the postponement of the release of the movie “Baban Baban Bang Vampire” (directed by Shinji Hamasaki) starring actor Ryo Yoshizawa (30), the manga artist Hiromasa Okushima, the original author of the movie, announced that he was 14…

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