A high school girl living in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture will debut as a professional manga artist at the end of this month. Since the second year of junior high school, he applied for the Newcomer’s Award with the aim of becoming a manga artist, and won an honorable mention on his seventh attempt.


High school manga artist “Toyama Fuji Curry” makes his debut by handwriting at a kotatsu, self-taught – Asahi Shimbun Digital

High school manga artist “Toyama Fuji Curry” makes his debut by handwriting at a kotatsu, self-taught – Asahi Shimbun Digital
A high school girl living in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture will debut as a professional manga artist at the end of this month. Since the second year of junior high school, he applied for the Newcomer’s Award with the aim of becoming a manga artist, and won an honorable mention on his seventh attempt.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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