An exhibition of original drawings by Sanomi Sanomi, a manga artist from Nishinomiya City who created popular works such as “Sakamoto desu Ga?” and “Migi and Dali,” which were made into anime in Hyogo Prefecture, will be held in Kobe. …


It seems that an “original art exhibition” by manga artist Sanomi from Nishinomiya City will be held. Popular Kobe stage production “Migi and…

It seems that an “original art exhibition” by manga artist Sanomi from Nishinomiya City will be held. Popular Kobe stage production “Migi and…
An exhibition of original drawings by Sanomi Sanomi, a manga artist from Nishinomiya City who created popular works such as “Sakamoto desu Ga?” and “Migi and Dali,” which were made into anime in Hyogo Prefecture, will be held in Kobe. …

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