“Cyborg 009” is a masterpiece by manga artist Shotaro Ishinomori from Nakata-cho, Tome City, Miyagi Prefecture, and is a science fiction manga that depicts the activities of nine cyborg warriors fighting against an evil organization.


Cyborg 009 Approximately 300 original drawings and other items on display “Manga that parents and children can enjoy” Ishinomori Manga Museum (until April 6th)

Cyborg 009 Approximately 300 original drawings and other items on display “Manga that parents and children can enjoy” Ishinomori Manga Museum (until April 6th)
“Cyborg 009” is a masterpiece by manga artist Shotaro Ishinomori from Nakata-cho, Tome City, Miyagi Prefecture, and is a science fiction manga that depicts the activities of nine cyborg warriors fighting against an evil organization.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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