“Mora’s Father is Annoying”, a manga created by Yuppe based on readers’ experiences. Naiko is furious when she learns that Hineta is a man who doesn’t give money to Aneko and is violent.


[Manga] My father called out the domestic violence man and scolded him, forcing him to break up with his sister [Mora’s father is annoying Vol.61] – Excite

[Manga] My father called out the domestic violence man and scolded him, forcing him to break up with his sister [Mora’s father is annoying Vol.61] – Excite
“Mora’s Father is Annoying”, a manga created by Yuppe based on readers’ experiences. Naiko is furious when she learns that Hineta is a man who doesn’t give money to Aneko and is violent.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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