The live-action movie will feature Ryuto Sakuma and Mizuki Yamashita, as well as NOA, Ryui Tsukishima, Mogura Suzuki (Air Stairs), Mahiru Koda, Mizuki Kayashima, and Maeda…


Mizuki Yamashita, who is excited by the unconscious Ryuto Sakuma, preview of the movie “Yamada-kun and Lv999 Koisuru” released – Bezzy

Mizuki Yamashita, who is excited by the unconscious Ryuto Sakuma, preview of the movie “Yamada-kun and Lv999 Koisuru” released – Bezzy
The live-action movie will feature Ryuto Sakuma and Mizuki Yamashita, as well as NOA, Ryui Tsukishima, Mogura Suzuki (Air Stairs), Mahiru Koda, Mizuki Kayashima, and Maeda…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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