… Manga. Keito, the successor of the powerful Soga clan on the eve of the Asuka period, meets Prince Umado at the imperial court. In the story, the turbulent story of Keito and Umado unfolds. this…


Ryoko Yamagishi’s manga “Tenshi of the Sunrise” will be adapted into Noh Kyogen with Mansai Nomura directing and starring – Yahoo! News

Ryoko Yamagishi’s manga “Tenshi of the Sunrise” will be adapted into Noh Kyogen with Mansai Nomura directing and starring – Yahoo! News
… Manga. Keito, the successor of the powerful Soga clan on the eve of the Asuka period, meets Prince Umado at the imperial court. In the story, the turbulent story of Keito and Umado unfolds. this…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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