The legendary delinquent manga “BADBOYS” by Hiroshi Tanaka, which was serialized in “Young King” from 1988 to 1996 and boasts a total circulation of 55 million copies, will be made into a live-action movie in 2025…


First starring role in a movie! INI Ikezaki Rihito and others co-star in the live-action film adaptation of the legendary delinquent manga “BADBOYS”…

First starring role in a movie! INI Ikezaki Rihito and others co-star in the live-action film adaptation of the legendary delinquent manga “BADBOYS”…
The legendary delinquent manga “BADBOYS” by Hiroshi Tanaka, which was serialized in “Young King” from 1988 to 1996 and boasts a total circulation of 55 million copies, will be made into a live-action movie in 2025…

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