Misato City Tango Elementary School (principal: Kiyotaka Yamaguchi) recently invited manga artist Masataka Ogawa (33) to give a “lecture on nurturing dreams and hearts” to all children at the school. Ogawa talks about dreams…


Misato/“Have a dream and take on challenges” Manga artist lecture at Tango Elementary School – Tobu Yomiuri

Misato/“Have a dream and take on challenges” Manga artist lecture at Tango Elementary School – Tobu Yomiuri
Misato City Tango Elementary School (principal: Kiyotaka Yamaguchi) recently invited manga artist Masataka Ogawa (33) to give a “lecture on nurturing dreams and hearts” to all children at the school. Ogawa talks about dreams…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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