The “PV to commemorate the start of serialization” of the manga version “Metaphor: Refantasio” has been released, and the series has started on V Jump released today. Comic version of Atlus’ highly rated fantasy RPG. January 2025…


The “PV to commemorate the start of serialization” of the manga version “Metaphor: Refantasio” has been released, and it will be released on V Jump released today…

The “PV to commemorate the start of serialization” of the manga version “Metaphor: Refantasio” has been released, and it will be released on V Jump released today…
The “PV to commemorate the start of serialization” of the manga version “Metaphor: Refantasio” has been released, and the series has started on V Jump released today. Comic version of Atlus’ highly rated fantasy RPG. January 2025…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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