The manga artist, who lives in Aichi Prefecture, has been giving lectures more than 100 times since 2015, mainly in the three Tokai prefectures, at the request of local governments, free schools, and parents’ groups. ◇.


Akira Toriyama’s words made me think, “That’s all there is to it,” and the manga artist’s turning point came in the fall of his first year of junior high school.

Akira Toriyama’s words made me think, “That’s all there is to it,” and the manga artist’s turning point came in the fall of his first year of junior high school.
The manga artist, who lives in Aichi Prefecture, has been giving lectures more than 100 times since 2015, mainly in the three Tokai prefectures, at the request of local governments, free schools, and parents’ groups. ◇.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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