In the 4-panel comic series “Welcome to Snack Chiyoko” (the 1st and 3rd installment of every month), Ms. Yokomine tweets about the pain of raising children as the mom of Pista Chiyoko of the fictional snack “Snack Chiyoko.”


A mother has mixed feelings about her 9-year-old son’s “heartfelt praise” as she wants to improve his “praise skills” (Saya Yokomine)

A mother has mixed feelings about her 9-year-old son’s “heartfelt praise” as she wants to improve his “praise skills” (Saya Yokomine)
In the 4-panel comic series “Welcome to Snack Chiyoko” (the 1st and 3rd installment of every month), Ms. Yokomine tweets about the pain of raising children as the mom of Pista Chiyoko of the fictional snack “Snack Chiyoko.”

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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