The manga “The Old Man and the Runny Nose,” which depicts an episode of an old man he saw at the hospital, has become a hot topic on X. An old man I saw in the waiting room of the urology department.


[Manga] For some reason, an old man tells the urologist that he has a “runny nose…” and is asked to go to a different hospital… “Unexpected…

[Manga] For some reason, an old man tells the urologist that he has a “runny nose…” and is asked to go to a different hospital… “Unexpected…
The manga “The Old Man and the Runny Nose,” which depicts an episode of an old man he saw at the hospital, has become a hot topic on X. An old man I saw in the waiting room of the urology department.

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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