Before the screening, there will be a talk show featuring Katsuyuki Konishi, Saya Hitomi, Miyuri Shimabukuro, and Satoshi Hino. In addition, 10 works nominated for “Manga Taisho 2025” were selected by 4 manga writers…


[This week’s featured article] Writer’s predictions for the new chapter of the anime “Chi.” and the works nominated for the “Manga Taisho” – Natalie

[This week’s featured article] Writer’s predictions for the new chapter of the anime “Chi.” and the works nominated for the “Manga Taisho” – Natalie
Before the screening, there will be a talk show featuring Katsuyuki Konishi, Saya Hitomi, Miyuri Shimabukuro, and Satoshi Hino. In addition, 10 works nominated for “Manga Taisho 2025” were selected by 4 manga writers…

*Automatic translation by Google Translate. Please check the link for accurate information.
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